The Gift of Coaching with Danita High and Melissa Norris- Power Hour Recap

By: Julie Borgognoni, Mannington Commercial  marketing coordinator

This Power Hour was an eye-opening experience, as we explored the gift of coaching! It's always inspiring to come together with such passionate and driven women, and this session was no different. Melissa Norris, founder and CEO of Flourish Coaching and Consulting, and Danita High, VP of culture and employee development at First Community Bank, led us through an incredible journey, one that allowed us to pause, reflect, and invest in ourselves—a gift we so often overlook in our busy lives.

From the very beginning, Melissa's words resonated with me: 'We cannot pour from an empty cup.' As women, we are constantly giving—to our families, our jobs, our communities—often at the expense of our own well-being. But this meeting was a chance to 'press pause' on all the noise and truly focus on ourselves. I was reminded of the importance of taking a moment to recharge and let others invest in us.

One of the most powerful moments for me was when we discussed the concept of life interruptions. Melissa asked, 'Have you ever experienced a life interruption?' This question hit home. We’ve all faced unexpected challenges—whether it’s in our personal lives or careers—that force us to adapt and change course. It’s easy to feel stuck in these moments, but this session reminded me that every interruption has a purpose, guiding us towards something better.

I also found the exercise on visioning to be incredibly impactful. We were asked to envision our lives six months from now, after overcoming the areas where we felt stuck. I closed my eyes and pictured a future where I had moved past the obstacles holding me back. The clarity that came from this exercise was profound—sometimes, all it takes is a shift in perspective to reignite our motivation.

Danita’s advice to 'Do the next right thing' was another gem that I took to heart. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the bigger picture, but this simple phrase reminded me that progress starts with just one step. Whether it’s making a phone call, sending an email, or having a difficult conversation, focusing on the next right thing can break the paralysis that often accompanies feeling stuck.

We also explored the concept of doors—both the ones that close and the ones that open. It was a powerful metaphor for recognizing that sometimes, we need to let go of certain opportunities, relationships, or expectations in order to make room for new possibilities. This reflection helped me see that closed doors aren’t failures; they’re redirections toward our 'best yes.'

The final piece of the puzzle was accountability. We all know that creating a vision and taking action are essential steps, but without accountability, it’s easy to fall back into old habits. I appreciated the practical tips on how to hold ourselves accountable—whether through journaling, setting reminders, or even rewarding ourselves for progress. It’s a reminder that our growth is worth celebrating, no matter how small the steps.

This WiFi meeting on the gift of coaching was exactly what I needed—a chance to reflect, recharge, and refocus. I walked away with a renewed sense of purpose and a clear vision for the future. If you’re feeling stuck, I encourage you to take a moment to press pause, envision the life you want, and take that first small step towards making it a reality. Remember, you are worth the investment!

Register for future Power Hours here!

Watch the recording here!


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