WIFI’s Scholarship Program
Apply Now!
Women in the Floorcovering Industry (WIFI) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to attract, empower, and educate current and future women in the flooring industry. Our scholarship program helps women attend post-secondary education and continuing education programs, as well as gain industry-accredited certifications.
Who can apply: Woman working in the floor covering industry or a woman with a demonstrated interest in a career in the flooring industry is eligible to participate in the scholarship program. An essay of 750 words or less and a letter of recommendation are required.
Limit: Applicants can receive scholarships from WIFI for up to four cycles, but must reapply each time.
WIFI Scholarships are given in two categories:
Post-Secondary Education Scholarships - for students attending a college, trade school, or technical school and are seeking a degree, certificate, or certification. Award amounts vary from $1,000 to $5,000 per person per year. Funds can be used for tuition & fees, books, and (if a full-time student) housing.
Continuing Education Scholarships - for those already working in the flooring industry (three years minimum) and desire further their skills through continuing education classes, non-degree courses, or educational training programs. Award amounts are from $250 to $1,000 per person per year. Funds can only be used for the direct cost of the course(s).
Timeline: Applications must be received by April 30, 2025. Scholarship recipients will be notified by email and mail by May 23, 2025. Scholarship funds should be for course work taken in the time period of June 2025 - May 2026.
Scholarship Processing & Payment: Applications will be assigned a case number so that personal identifying information and employer information are not disclosed to the committee making the award determination and ensuring that an unbiased selection will occur, particularly in the event that relatives or co-workers of the Scholarship Committee, our officers, board members, or contributors apply.