Corporate Donations & WIFI Donor Society Memberships
Join us and make an impact on women in flooring!
Women in the Flooring Industry (WIFI) is designed to be an educational non-profit whose mission is to attract, educate, and empower women in the flooring industry. WIFI activities include these programs available to anyone who identifies as or who is in support of women in the flooring industry: scholarships for continuing education, awards for excellence in the industry, presenting of professional development and mentoring programs, and providing a supportive community of peers.
WIFI Donor Society Members
WIFI Donor Society Members are provided with an additional sense of belonging, email alerts for training & events, and recognition at WIFI events, however WIFI programs are available to the public, to women (and those in support of women) in the flooring industry. Most WIFI events and activities are free or have a minimal charge to cover the cost of the programming.
WIFI Corporate Donations
Companies and Individuals can make a charitable gift to WIFI to support its mission to help the attract, educate, and empower women in the flooring industry! Donations help make WIIF programs available to all women, helping to attract women to careers in flooring, educate women who work in flooring with continuing education, and empower women to seek leadership roles and expand their knowledge.
WIFI Corporate Sponsorships
Companies can choose to cover the number of employees’ membership in the WIFI Donor Society, up to their contribution amount divided by $150. As required by law, your company will receive a written disclosure statement estimating the fair market value received in return for the donation. The part of the contribution that is to cover employee donor society membership, may be deductible as a business expense, but since it is for your employees, it is possible that it may not considered as a deductible charitable. Let us know if you if would like to sponsor your employees.
WIFI Programs
Attract women to careers in flooring:
-Awards that profile excellence in and the diversity of careers that women hold in diverse sectors of the flooring industry
-Writing blogs and articles that highlight women in careers in flooring
Education for women who work in flooring:
-Scholarships for continuing education and training
-Hosting professional development workshops and conferences
-WIFI Mentoring Program (more info here)
Empower women with careers in flooring:
-Networking groups at flooring industry events and virtual networking events (see WIFI Gatherings)
Individual WIFI Donor Society Membership
$150 New WIFI Donor Society Member
$130 Returning WIFI Donor Society Member
$35 Student WIFI Donor Society Member
$50 Retiree WIFI Donor Society Member
Corporate Donation / Sponsorship Levels*
*Read about the difference in WIFI Sponsorship and Donations, including how to sponsor your employees here.
$25,000 - Platinum
$10,000 - Gold
$5,000 - Silver
$1,500 - Bronze
Any donation amount of your choice!
Questions before getting started?